Company details

  1. The Online Gallery is part of the “Kleine Atelier – Mat Amsterdam” gallery, located at: Tweede Boomdwarsstraat 16, 1015 LK Amsterdam.

  2. The headquarters of the Online Gallery is at: Foeliestraat 26, 1314 KT Almere.

  3. The owner of the Online Gallery is MatAmsterdam Monika Uszynska, Foeliestraat 26, 1314 KT Almere. Company number: 59611421. VAT (value added tax) identification number: NL002528197B75.

  4. Bank account number: MATAMSTERDAM, iban: NL45 INGB 0006 3487 33, bic: INGBNL2A.

  5. Cantact email: